GXml [namespace]-GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/09-GXml-N☆E 学習帳

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GXml [namespace]


Version 2 (2006.4)

This namespace provides static methods to handle XML documents and document fragments.

Static Methods

Static Methods Return Value Description
parse(xmltext) Node Parses the given string as XML text and returns a DOM representation. If the browser doesn't support XML parsing natively, this returns the DOM node of an empty DIV element.
value(xmlnode) String Returns the text value (i.e., only the plain text content) of the XML document fragment given in DOM representation.


Version 1

The GXml class provides a static method to parse a string of XML. The parser should work on any browser, though it falls back on a JavaScript XML parser by default if there is no native parser in the web browser. This can be quite slow depending on the browser's JavaScript implementation.

Static Methods

Method Description
parse(xmlStr) Parses the given string of XML, returning the XML DOM
value(xmlNode) Returns the textual content in the given XML element or node. Useful to pull out the text nodes inside of an XML element.