GoogleMaps/API/doc/APIoverview/05-Controls の変更点-N☆E 学習帳

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// author:1
**Version 2 (2006.4)
>To add controls like the zoom bar to your map, use the addControl method. The Maps API comes with a handful of built-in controls you can use in your maps:

- GLargeMapControl - a large pan/zoom control used on Google Local. Appears in the top left corner of the map.
- GSmallMapControl - a smaller pan/zoom control used on Google Local. Appears in the top left corner of the map.
- GSmallZoomControl - a small zoom control (no panning controls) used in the small map blowup windows used to display driving directions steps on Google Local.
- GScaleControl - a map scale
- GMapTypeControl - buttons that let the user toggle between map types (such as Map and Satellite)
- &font(Red){GOverviewMapControl}; New! - a collapsible overview map in the corner of the screen

>For example, to add the panning/zooming control you see on Google Maps to your map, you would include the following line in your map initialization:

>map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());addControl takes an optional second GControlPosition parameter that lets you specify the position of the control on your map. If this argument is excluded, the Maps API uses the default position specified by the control. This example adds the map type control to the bottom right corner of the map with 10 pixels of padding:

>map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl(),~
   new &font(Red){GControlPosition};(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, new GSize(10, 10)));

>See the GControlPosition class reference for more information.

↓ &font(Red){GOverviewMapControl}; をテストしてみました。地図上ではなくスクリーン端に元地図よりも広域な図が出ます。折りたたみができ、マップタイプも切り替えられます。(FireFoxとOperaではブラウザの右下隅に表示されるが、IEでは元地図のボトムライン揃えの左端)~
↓ &font(Red){GControlPosition}; 上記例文を入れてみました。右下の利用規約が隠れてしまう。 ;) ~


**Version 1
>Controls are added with the addControl method. The Maps API comes with a handful of built-in controls you can use in your maps:

>・GLargeMapControl - a large pan/zoom control used on Google Maps ~
・GSmallMapControl - a smaller pan/zoom control used on Google Local ~
・GSmallZoomControl - a small zoom control (no panning controls) used in the small map blowup windows used to display driving directions steps on Google Maps ~
・GMapTypeControl - lets you toggle between map types (e.g., Map and Satellite) ~
For example, to add the panning/zooming control you see on Google Maps to your map, you would include the following line in your map initialization:

map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());

>The control will be attached to top-left corner of the map just like it is on Google Maps.

下記サンプルは GSmallZoomControl を付けた地図。パンなし、+−だけのズーム。
map.addControl(new GSmallZoomControl()); (別窓)