GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/09-GXml の変更点-N☆E 学習帳

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// author:1
*GXml [namespace]
**Version 2 (2006.4)
>This namespace provides static methods to handle XML documents and document fragments.

*Static Methods
***Static Methods
|Static Methods|Return Value|Description|h
|parse(xmltext)|Node|Parses the given string as XML text and returns a DOM representation. If the browser doesn't support XML parsing natively, this returns the DOM node of an empty DIV element.|
|value(xmlnode)|String|Returns the text value (i.e., only the plain text content) of the XML document fragment given in DOM representation.|

**Version 1
>The GXml class provides a static method to parse a string of XML. The parser should work on any browser, though it falls back on a JavaScript XML parser by default if there is no native parser in the web browser. This can be quite slow depending on the browser's JavaScript implementation.

***Static Methods
|Method |Description |h
|parse(xmlStr) |Parses the given string of XML, returning the XML DOM |
|value(xmlNode) |Returns the textual content in the given XML element or node. Useful to pull out the text nodes inside of an XML element. |