GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/30-GCopyrightCollection の変更点-N☆E 学習帳

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// author:1
*GCopyrightCollection [class]
**Version 2 (2006.4) &font(Red){新規};
>You use this class to manage copyright messages displayed on maps of custom map type. If you don't implement custom map types, then you don't need to use this class. A copyright collection contains information about which copyright to display for which region on the map at which zoom level. This is very important for map types that display heterogenous data such as the satellite map type.

|GCopyrightCollection(prefix?)|Copyright messages produced from this copyright collection will have the common prefix given as the argument.|
|Methods|Return Value|Description|h
|addCopyright(copyright)|none|Adds a copyright information object to the collection.|
|getCopyrights(bounds, zoom)|Array of String|Returns all copyright strings that are pertinent for the given map region at the given zoom level.|
|getCopyrightNotice(bounds, zoom)|String|Returns the copyright notice that contains copright messages from all copyright information objects that are pertinent for the given map region at the given zoom level.|
|newcopyright|copyright|This event is fired when a new copyright was added to this copyright collection.|