GMap2 [class]-GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/02-GMap2-N☆E 学習帳

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GMap2 [class]­mentation/

Version 2 (2006.4) 新規

Instantiate class GMap2 in order to create a map. This is the central class in the API. Everything else is auxiliary.


Constructor Description
GMap2(container, opts?) Creates a new map inside of the given HTML container, which is typically a DIV element. If no set of map types is given in the optional argument opts.mapTypes, the default set G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES is used. If no size is given in the optional argument opts.size, then the size of the container is used. If opts.size is given, then the container element of the map is resized accordingly. See class GMapOptions.




Methods Return Value Description
enableDragging() none Enables the dragging of the map (enabled by default).
disableDragging() none Disables the dragging of the map.
draggingEnabled() Boolean Returns true iff the dragging of the map is enabled.
enableInfoWindow() none Enables info window operations on the map (enabled by default).
disableInfoWindow() none Closes the info window, if it is open, and disables the opening of a new info window.
infoWindowEnabled() Boolean Returns true iff the info window is enabled.
enableDoubleClickZoom() none Enables double click to zoom in and out (disabled by default). (Since 2.58)
disableDoubleClickZoom() none Disables double click to zoom in and out. (Since 2.58)
doubleClickZoomEnabled() Boolean Returns true iff double click to zoom is enabled. (Since 2.58)
enableContinuousZoom() none Enables continuous smooth zooming for select browsers (disabled by default). (Since 2.58)
disableContinuousZoom() none Disables continuous smooth zooming. (Since 2.58)
continuousZoomEnabled() Boolean Returns true iff continuous smooth zooming is enabled. (Since 2.58)



Methods Return Value Description
addControl(control, position?) none Adds the control to the map. The position on the map is determined by the optional position argument. If this argument is absent, the default position of the control is used, as determined by the GControl.getDefaultPosition() method. A control instance must not be added more than once to the map.
removeControl(control) none Removes the control from the map. It does nothing if the control was never added to the map.
getContainer() Node Returns the DOM object that contains the map. Used by GControl.initialize().


Map Types

Methods Return Value Description
getMapTypes() Array of GMapType Returns the array of map types registered with this map.
getCurrentMapType() GMapType Returns the currently selected map type.
setMapType(type) none Selects the given new map type. The type must be known to the map. See the constructor, and the method addMapType().
addMapType(type) none Adds a new map type to the map. See section GMapType for how to define custom map types.
removeMapType(type) none Removes the map type from the map. Will update the set of buttons displayed by the GMapTypeControl and fire the removemaptype event.


Map State

Methods Return Value Description
isLoaded() Boolean Returns true iff the map was initialized by setCenter() since it was created.
getCenter() GLatLng Returns the geographical coordinates of the center point of the map view.
getBounds() GLatLngBounds Returns the the visible rectangular region of the map view in geographical coordinates.
getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds) Number Returns the zoom level at which the given rectangular region fits in the map view. The zoom level is computed for the currently selected map type. If no map type is selected yet, the first on the list of map types is used.
getSize() GSize Returns the size of the map view in pixels.
getZoom() Number Returns the current zoom level.

getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds) 領域がおさまるズームレベルを返してくれる。 :)  

Modify the Map State

Methods Return Value Description
setCenter(center, zoom?, type?) none Sets the map view to the given center. Optionally, also sets zoom level and map type. The map type must be known to the map. See the constructor, and the method addMapType(). This method must be called first after construction to set the initial state of the map. It is an error to call other operations on the map after construction.
panTo(center) none Changes the center point of the map to the given point. If the point is already visible in the current map view, change the center in a smooth animation.
panBy(distance) none Starts a pan animation by the given distance in pixels.
panDirection(dx, dy) none Starts a pan animation by half the width of the map in the indicated directions. +1 is right and down, -1 is left and up, respectively.
setZoom(level) none Sets the zoom level to the given new value.
zoomIn() none Increments zoom level by one.
zoomOut() none Decrements zoom level by one.
savePosition() none Stores the current map position and zoom level for later recall by returnToSavedPosition().
returnToSavedPosition() none Restores the map view that was saved by savePosition().
checkResize() none Notifies the map of a change of the size of its container. Call this method after the size of the container DOM object has changed, so that the map can adjust itself to fit the new size.

setCenter(center, zoom?, type?) ← centerAndZoom(latLng, zoomLevel)[Ver1]
panTo(center) ← recenterOrPanToLatLng(latLng)[Ver1]

panBy(distance) →­r2/panby.html



Methods Return Value Description
addOverlay(overlay) none Adds an overlay to the map and fires the addoverlay event.
removeOverlay(overlay) none Removes the overlay from the map. If the overlay was on the map, it fires the removeoverlay event.
clearOverlays() none Removes all overlay from the map, and fires the clearoverlays event.
getPane(pane) Node Returns a DIV that holds the object in the layer identified by pane. Used by GOverlay instances in method GOverlay.initialize() instances to draw themselves on the map


Info Window

Methods Return Value Description
openInfoWindow(point, node, opts?) none Opens a simple info window at the given point. Pans the map such that the opened info window is fully visible. The content of the info window is given as a DOM node.
openInfoWindowHtml(point, html, opts?) none Opens a simple info window at the given point. Pans the map such that the opened info window is fully visible. The content of the info window is given as HTML text.
openInfoWindowTabs(point, tabs, opts?) none Opens a tabbed info window at the given point. Pans the map such that the opened info window is fully visible. The content of the info window is given as DOM nodes.
openInfoWindowTabsHtml(point, tabs, opts?) none Opens a tabbed info window at the given point. Pans the map such that the opened info window is fully visible. The content of the info window is given as HTML text.
showMapBlowup(point, opts?) none Opens an info window at the given point that contains a closeup view on the map around this point.
closeInfoWindow() none Closes the currently open info window.
getInfoWindow() GInfoWindow Returns the info window object of this map. If no info window exists yet, it is created, but not displayed. This operation is not influenced by enableInfoWindow().


Coordinate Transformations

Methods Return Value Description
fromLatLngToDivPixel(latlng) GPoint Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical point in the DOM element that holds the draggable map. You need this method to position a custom overlay when you implement the GOverlay.redraw() method for a custom overlay.
fromDivPixelToLatLng(pixel) GLatLng Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the div that holds the draggable map. You need this when you implement interaction with custom overlays.
fromContainerPixelToLatLng(pixel) GLatLng Computes the geographical coordinates of the point at the given pixel coordinates in the DOM element that contains the map on the page. You need this when you implement interaction of custom controls with the map.

fromLatLngToDivPixel →­r2/fromlatlngtodivpixel.html
fromDivPixelToLatLng →­r2/fromdivpixeltolatlng.html
fromContainerPixelToLatLng →­r2/fromcontainerpixeltolatlng.html (fromContainerPixelToLatLng と fromDivPixelToLatLng との違い)

Google Maps API Tutorial :­maps/reference.htm


Events Arguments Description
addmaptype type This event is fired when a map type is added to the map.
removemaptype type This event is fired when a map type is removed from the map.
click overlay, point This event is fired when the map is clicked with the mouse. If the click was on a marker, then the marker is passed to the event handler in the overlay argument, and a click event is also fired on the marker. Otherwise, the geographical coordinates of the point that was clicked are passed in the point argument.
movestart none This event is fired when the map view starts changing. This can be caused by dragging, in which case a dragstart event is also fired, or by invocation of a method that changes the map view.
move none This event is fired, possibly repeatedly, while the map view is changing.
moveend none This event is fired when the change of the map view ends.
zoomend oldLevel, newLevel This event is fired when the map reaches a new zoom level. The event handler receives the previous and the new zoom level as arguments.
maptypechanged none This event is fired when another map type is selected.
infowindowopen none This event is fired when the info window opens.
infowindowclose none This event is fired when the info window closes. If a currently open info window is reopened at a different point using another call to openInfoWindow*(), then infowindowclose will fire first.
addoverlay overlay This event is fired when a single overlay is added to the map by the method addOverlay(). The new overlay is passed as an argument overlay to the event handler.
removeoverlay overlay This event is fired when a single overlay is removed by the method removeOverlay(). The overlay that was removed is passed as an argument overlay to the event handler.
clearoverlays none This event is fired when all overlays are removed at once by the method clearOverlays().
mouseover latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse over the map from outside the map.
mouseout latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse off the map.
mousemove latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse inside the map.
dragstart none This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map.
drag none This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the map.
dragend none This event is fired when the user stops dragging the map.
load none This event is fired when the map setup is complete, and isLoaded() would return true. This means position, zoom, and map type are all initialized, but tile images may still be loading. (Since 2.52)