GGeocodeCache [class]-GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/41-GGeocodeCache-N☆E 学習帳

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GGeocodeCache [class]­mentation/

Version 2 (2006.6新規

This class maintains a map from addresses to known locations. While this class is fully funtional, it is intended as a base class from which more sophisticated caches are derived.


Constructor Description
GGeocodeCache() Creates a new cache for storing a map from adresses to locations. The constructor immediately calls the GGeocodeCache.reset method. (Since 2.55)


Methods Return Value Description
get(address) Object Returns the reply which was stored under the given address. If no reply was ever stored for the given address, this method returns null. (Since 2.55)
isCachable(reply) Boolean Returns whether or not the given reply should be cached. By default very rudimentary checks are performed on the reply object. In particular, this class makes sure that the object is not null and that it has the name field . This method may be overridden by extending classes to provide more precise conditions on the reply object. (Since 2.55)
put(address, reply) none Stores the given reply under the given address. This method calls the GGeocodeCache.isCachable method to verify that the reply may be cached. If it gets a go-ahead, it caches the reply under the address normalized with the help of the GGeocodeCache.toCanoninical method. (Since 2.55)
reset() none Purges all replies from the cache. After this method returns, the cache is empty. (Since 2.55)
toCanonical(address) String Returns what is considered a canonical version of the address. It converts the address parameter to lower case, replaces comas with spaces and replaces multiple spaces with one space. (Since 2.55)