GPolygon [class]-GoogleMaps/API/doc/ClassReference/48-GPolygon-N☆E 学習帳

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GPolygon [class]­mentation/

Version2 (2007.1新規

This is very similar to a GPolyline, except that you can additionally specify a fill color and opacity.


Constructor Description
GPolygon(points, strokeColor?, strokeWeight?, strokeOpacity?, fillColor?, fillOpacity?) Creates a polygon from an array of vertices. The colors are given as a string that contains the color in hexadecimal numeric HTML style, i.e. #RRGGBB. The weight is the width of the line in pixels. The opacities is given as a number between 0 and 1. The line will be antialiased and semitransparent. (Since 2.69)


Methods Return Value Description
getVertexCount() Number Returns the number of vertices in the polygon. (Since 2.69)
getVertex(index) GLatLng Returns the vertex with the given index in the polygon. (Since 2.69)


Events Arguments Description
remove none This event is fired when the polygon is removed from the map, using GMap2.removeOverlay() or GMap2.clearOverlays().