*GLatLngBounds [class]
**Version 2 (2006.4) &font(Red){新規};
>A GLatLngBounds instance represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates, including one that crosses the 180 degrees meridian.
|GLatLngBounds(sw?, ne?)|Constructs a rectangle from the points at its south-west and north-east corners.|
|Methods|Return Value|Description|h
|equals(other)|Boolean|Returns true iff all parameters in this rectangle are equal to the parameters of the other, within a certain roundoff margin.|
|contains(latlng)|Boolean|Returns true iff the geographical coordinates of the point lie within this rectangle.|
|intersects(other)|Boolean|What the name says.|
|containsBounds(other)|Boolean|What the name says.|
|extend(latlng)|none|Enlarges this rectangle such that it contains the given point. In longitude direction, it is enlarged in the smaller of the two possible ways. If both are equal, it is enlarged at the eastern boundary.|
|getSouthWest()|GLatLng |Returns the point at the south-west corner of the rectangle.|
|getNorthEast()|GLatLng |Returns the point at the north-east corner of the rectangle.|
|toSpan()|GLatLng |Returns a GLatLng whose cordinates represent the size of this rectangle.|
|isFullLat()|Boolean|Returns true if this rectangle extends from the south pole to the north pole.|
|isFullLng()|Boolean|Returns true if this rectangle extends fully around the earth in the longitude direction.|
|isEmpty()|Boolean|Returns true if this rectangle is empty.|
|getCenter()|GLatLng|Returns the point at the center of the rectangle. &font(Red){(Since 2.52)};|